Friday, September 20, 2013

fridays blog

it is very tricky to build an underwater research station. there are a lot of things you need to account for in order to have a successful one. you need the proper equipment for the environment you in. such as a thicker suit if cold water or a thinner suit in warm water. you also need to make sure the research center is big enough to hold you team and last them the entire time. you need enough food and water. also they have to think about the expense. In class we are doing this as well. we have to construct an underwater research center and research something. my group pick a whale. we have to make sure we have the right necessities and equipment to help us with our research. these videos help show us how underwater research centers work and what they look like. it helps us when we go make our own so we will know how to do it.

Friday, September 13, 2013

ocean literacy

In oceanography we had to research an explorer. We studied the ocean by learning about the explorers. By learning about explorers we learned about their findings in the ocean and about how they navigated. We learned about the new land that was found and new tools such as the compass. By learning this we learned more about the ocean but in a different way. Now after this assignment is done, I know background information about the ocean. I know about all the discoveries found in the ocean that we will learn more in-depth about later on. I feel like this assignment helped us get ready and already have the basic information on the things we will be studying in the future.

Friday, September 6, 2013

why study science

There is a variety of science classes that you can take, Oceanography is a type of science. I chose to study Oceanography because its different than the other science classes I have taken in the past. I wanted to learn about something different and have a different approach on things. I was also intrigued with learning about the ocean and what else it had to do with. The ocean is like a mystery no one knows what its all about until they learn about it.